Tuesday, February 7, 2012

cute-plush.com review

2 reviews in one day! whoo! i got eveything i am going to show you from christmas from http://www.cute-plush.com/
shipping~ 5/5 i forget actually ^^' but i'll say good
quality~ 5/5 the shirts deco's aren't craking at all! jewelry is well made
value~ 5/5 shirt was normal priced for a graphic one, and grab bag was $12 or so dollars and contained $30 dollars worth of jewelry!!!!

the sushi lovers shirt in black
(little blurry sorry!)

tilt head, gah i hate when i can't rotate photos on this, please tell me how if you know! :)

the jewelry lucky bag, it contains something either from past collections, present collections, or future collections! aka prototypes here is what i got~

a necklace, cell phone charm, earrings, and a button

ninja llama necklace
looked at site, either a past or future collection

berry bunny cellphone charm
i'm guessing it is a past collection because the character was seen on the site but in necklace form

angel fox earrings
present collection
onigiri button
past collection?
i love everything here, soo kawaii!

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