so i'm back on. happy 4th of July!!!!!!!!!!
i can't wait! we throw a pool party every year (sorry for family members and relitives only)
i have another list of stuff to share! -like since is this another? i've never posted a list at all :D-
my fave lady gaga photo's!

also i already know what i'm going to be on haloween!
not telling!
question: can you finish this song lyric? (you might get to know what i'm being 4 halloween!)
hatsune miku song lyric: " 私は叫んでみたメガホンは、壊れていた ___________________________"
fill in the blank and put your answer in the comment if you think you know!
also just to let you know my computer spazes out when i try to post comments on posts!
i am reading others blogs i just can't comment!
is that chinese or japanese that the song is written in? I love the lady gaga pics :)