Wednesday, December 28, 2011

and a happy new year!

happy new year everyone!
christmas was, lol, epic?
some stuff i got: a new computer!!!!!! mario pants/ suspenders, snorkeling gear, an itzura kitty cat bank, a kawaii goods lucky pack and much more!

anyway, i plan to review ALOT i was going to try video review, but i failed because my web cam SUCKS, well not really i tryed to record it straight from youtube, because i couldn't seam to find my media smart webcam tool, and youtube really messed it up so im like I AIN'T DOING THIS!!! but today i took pictures of ever thing so ill just do a blog review like every one else, they'll all be in the harajuku fashion tab, or the fairy kei tab is what i might change it too, also i will just be posting them here too so there easier to find online, but i will be reviewing:

kawaii good's decora-chans lucky pack
push molds from this ebay seller
cute plush .com 's jewelry grab bag and sushi shirt
and other stuff as well!!!
also DECODEN!!!!!
i made my first box, cut my first fruit cane, and made my own molds!
ill post pics on deviant art after they dry  ^U^

till then,
       the pastel lover ,

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

fun with the internet / christmas!

fun stuff to do i  guess! i lol at some stuff/ injoy!

TYPE IN UR NAME!!! see what the urban term is example
i'm laura, i found these deffinitions,

meaning 'from the laurel flower'
a beautiful name, in fact one of the best names ever.

The person with this name is the most amazing person you will ever meet. After you say hi to her, magic fairy dust will sprinkle on your head and then you'll be able to FLY! OMG! Who WOULDN'T want to fly?

The most amazing person in the world. She will help anyone and everyone through anything and everything. She has a very bubbly and quirky personality that you will never find in anyone else. She is a gorgeous woman but even though she is, make sure that you still tell her. If you are lucky enough to go on a date with a Laura take her to a nice restaurant or maybe go to a drive in theater. Make sure that your times together are memorable and that the memories will continue coming. Don't let your opportunity slip jump for her if you have to just make sure when you hit the ground that you are running.

and some others, that are, well, awkward ^^'''

so type in ur name!

 i just wanna say happy holidays everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
i need to finish up making peoples presents now!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

decoden basics (comming soon)

YES  this will be under the harajuku fashion tab (even know its not a fashion it still in that category)
this will be u know comming after christmas, because i asked for all this decoden stuff such as canes and cabochons.
EDIT: ill also be doing reviews of fairy kei items !

also can anybody (if you know) can tell me if there is an english site for ?

I LUVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV ALL THERE ACESSORIES ;A; but so far away, all in japanese, do they even shipover seas? please help if u know!!
just a quick update////
for now here is my harajuku art faves on dA (DeviantArt)

Saturday, December 3, 2011


i stared this blog on December 3rd, 2010,

now what should i give you all?
it will never leave/////
fiary kei, deco, life in harajuku////
how to deco den, how to make fairy kei stuff, reviews from places i've bought fairy kei stuff from,

anyway, songs to listen to now///
to make you laugh//
to love <3 ////

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

thank you, all my followers and readers!!!!
more to come, i will enjoy the harajuku tab!!!


(P.S. next post, i ate ochrids yesterday)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

yes about that ////

ok so anime con tab, i might take it away!!! i just dont feel like posting all those photos!!!!! BUT i have a new tab idea instead!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

the silvers

BUT (looks that it highlighted usless symbols like a link)
this is my first ever "I" product, and at first where the dentist was done she said "whats your faveorite color? pink, blue, or sliver?" and i said pink and when she came back with a blue bag in my mind i was like "didn;t i say pink? ahh its a cheap logo bag whatever" then after she like when through the bag she layed it on the table and stuff.
the day i went i also met kids from school there too (exept one who WAS there, i was told thou she went)
i saw stella, ( ) geting impressions done , because she is geting braces soon too.

so long story short, i got silver bands, cuz the dentist said they wouldn't show up as much, it would blend in with the metal and stuff,

so ADVICE for anyone getting braces soon...
k first, uhhh, it feels like hell, depending on how they place them they might keep u from closing your mouth, you will be told like "eat soft stuff" well LIKE LIQUIDS, soft stuff like pasta actually still hurts, so like get lots of ice cream and when you bite down it will feel as if your tooth might just go KABOOM bcuz there is so much presure on it, you get lots of little bumps in you cheek, hate those, and yea braces suck

anyway after i got them on i had lunch with my cuz.
we went for sushi, still hhard to eat but i tryed
fish eggs.....
they are actually good ( no not caviar) they are micro orange eggs, so small threre is really no taste. so i ate that off the top of the sushi....
well bye down (yawn) my mouth still hurts


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

for now....... i give you...........

OK!  so now like i'm stalling, doing art water marking isn't had on pic nik but LOL LAZY AND i haven't been on my like "holder of all photos computer, so here is a 40: facts meme!!!!!!
and some japanese songs! :3
by laura :3

1. I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE cats!!!!!!!! i'm never gunna get a dog, sorry "dog lovers"
2. i am a %70 vegatarian, i don't eat ANY SEAFOOD unless it's crab and its in a ragoon, lol (chinese food: crab ragoon) and i'm not a big fan of but will eat if i have to: pork,duck, ANY OTHER ANIMAL MEAT  LOL, i do eat : beef, chicken, and hot dog stuff  though :3
3.i'm not a fan of the new vocaloid "seeu" cuz i'm mad she might over shadow miku but we all know that will never happen, OTZ till thou
4. if i had a last meal i would have:
appatizer: irish nachos from the 99
entree: pizza
dessert: brownies
drink: diet coke
5. i went to puerto rico last year, it has been my best vacation by far, so i'm going again this year :D
6. on that topic: i went kayaking in the biolumesent (glowing) bay in puerto rico (i suggest u all look it up on google images) and I FELL OFF THE KAYAK INTO THE WATER, with my dad lol
7.for some reason i kinda don't like m&m's, when u get the mini packs of the JUMBO size ones on halloween, take one and put it in ur mouth and swish it around and melt it, u mouth should now taste like how it smells when u cut grass with a lawn mower
8. i have had a total of 5 teeth out QAQ
9. i have 2 really good wigs, not like ones from the costume store, they are my gumi green wig and my fairy kei wig (ill post a pic of it in the art montage since you guys have never seen it ;D )
10.i own set A of 72 copic sketch markers, plus 5 extra's first ever anime con was 5 days ago :3
12. my next anime con is in 6 months in april 2012 and apparently the oone next year got an attendace of 19,230 people last year ;U;
20.yes i have an OC (origanal charater), y'all might see her in the art post!
21. i take 2 art classes one at school and one outside of school
22.oh wait i forgot I EAT BACON TOO ADD THAT TO LIKE FACT 2 PLZ!
23. my fave subjects in school are social studies and science (i used to like ELA but we have a sub that i dont like right now for like 2 months till they find another writing teacher)
24. i play violin
25. i sing in the shower and when i'm alone, ;A; i like to belive i sound aloth better than i sound, lol OTZ
26. i'm already getting tired of these facts i'm gunna go finish home work, *clicks save as draft*


27. for some reason thecomputer cant allign this part to the left >:(
28.just great, just great SPOILER ALERT! i'm mad now no duh.
30.i own 3 cats :3 i feel life would be dull if i didn't have any cats, or any animals really :) of the trade for manga: gray eraser, macanicle pencil, bee paper (notebook not pull sheet), set A 72 of copic sketch markers, and outlinging pen sizes:0.03, 0.05, 0.10, .1,.2 .3, .5 .8 and 0.03 is a copic multiliner, all the others are pigma sakura black liners
32.i went to my first anime convention about a week ago :D AAC (another anime con. , it's actually called that!)
33.i've tasted nori before when i made my first onigiri, nori is dried seaweed for sushi, smeels the way it tastes, and when in ur mouth its like tissue paper :P
34. i would love to own a bento box, let alone MAKE A FANTASTIC ONE!! (look up cute bento boxes on google image! :3 )
35.i have a GREAT fear of spider and incects
36.although i will mostly say "EW GAKUPO!" (referring to the vocaloid gakupo kamui) i <3 him <3 <3 <3
37. and becuse of that...... i HATE LUKA MEGURINE!!! HAHAHA LUKA MEURINE !!!
38. my fave comedian is Daniel Tosh, tosh tuesdays @ 10 on comedy central!
39.ONE LAST FACT!!!!!!
40. i am in EBAY ADDICT!!! lol i don't even have a credit card yet but i do browse haha, speaking of i am soon going to be reseiving the complete series shugo chara on DVD!!!!
and lately my picnik hasn't been uhh uploading to my facebook soo it's gunna take awhile, so sorry!!!!!!
i can show you my youtube faves if you want?
the neko :3

Monday, October 17, 2011

long time no see!!!!

yeah i haven't been posting in a while cuz i had to get my gumi cosplay done!!!!
but anyway uhh, yes my first anime con was saturday (2 days ago)
so if u haven't see i have a new tab up with anime con pics, its right near the "manga and anime" one
so go enjoy it!!!
i got my 1,000th veiw while i was gone and i just wanna say YAY!!!!
thank you all so much, as soon as im on the computer that has all my pics and stuff on it ill watermark and do the art page/post, yes, MAYBE A PAGE!!!!
o like yeah, i also want to say that counts with the anime con. tab to, when i get on the right computer,

Monday, September 19, 2011

my obscession

k so here is what im obcessing over this week or some have been a month
the songs:
dancing samuri ny <3 <3 GAKUPO KAMUI <3 <3 <3

WAIT! i don't watch this version, i don't wanna post the one i watch thou, lol sry guys, if you type in the song name on youtube the first hit is the on i watch, <3
a duet between gumi and gakupo! (i <3 the character gakupo and i cosplay as gumi!)
BAKA ANIKI! i'm going to a convention in october cosplay as her, hope i see a gakupo! ill shout BAKA ANIKI!
k so other than gumi and gakupo theres....
tripple baka
baka = stupid

also wan-wan-o, by instead sung by my favorite manga artist, oshan

lol so,
better than brittney spears me and my anime buddy think it, althought brittney's version is good too
SF-A2 miki "i wanna go" cover
also a brittney cover by big al! ( o god i dont know the real name of the cover song!!!!! i've heard it before thou!!!!)
big al
brittney spears cover of ?
k so japanese closer!

bye for now!
and remember

Thursday, September 15, 2011

my promise

ok so lol I'VS BEEN SO LAZY!!!! with the "i learned how to water mark" stuff , OTL
so i am going to down load art pics 2night to water mark and maybe i will post them so any way here is 1 i did:

EDIT: oh yea "my promise" i will do a big art pic explosion post when i reach 1,000 views !~~~~ so idk reload ur page and check up often!

Friday, September 9, 2011


ok so i learned how to water mark my photo's!!!! so ill be posting art pics  regularly on here and dA
i returned to school QAQ and even if i have to wake up so early in the moring and stuff it's already pretty fun :3 like i forgot my homework today but like during home room i colored the back of my scedual (not like my "REAL" scedual, mine continues on a second page with is just the time that last period is (homeroom) and the time we get out , 2:15 which is 15 minutes earler than last year, but THAT STILL CAN'T MAKE UP FOR I EARLY RELEASE ON THE 1ST WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH AND GETTING UP AT LIKE 7:00AM LOL~
so so far my fave is homeroom (dose that count?) idk it's like ur "home" lol at school.
and also stella (stellabystarlight) and carla (carla's world)  are in my UA's (which is like gym, art, math tech and stuff)

so on to stuff,
i have also gotten a premeuim membership on the photo editor "picnik" ( )
so i can touch up stuff and clone stuff, ect. i mostly touch up cosplay photo's of gumi and my friend who is miku, i will upload pic's after i water mark them too, also if you have any questions about picnik just comment, but remember to check your email because my blogger account has a problem with me commenting on stuff so till the i will try to find your email in your profile and send you an email with the answer to your question, also i might try commenting under a different family/member blogger's account, just to see if it's my account or this computer acting wacky on me,

see you soon!
hopefully with art pics!

gumi megpoid :3

Monday, August 22, 2011


ah! status updates because i still haven't been on!
1.i just got news today that the last friday of August i will have 2 grown teeth YANKED OUT by a like 70 year old shaky od man dentist THAT MY PARENTS WENT TO WHEN THEY WHERE TEENAGERS! OTL!

2. however, this friday i am going to Rockport to see the paper house (google it) and hamond castle which is suposed to be haunted! =U= i can't wait! the guy who used to live there tryed to reanimate the corpse of his father 6 months after he died! lol

3.i have copic markers now and i am constantly posting to dA (deviant art link--------->
and i'm going crazy because i have one skin color marker and when i go to micheals to buy another shade they are always sold out! even know the are overpriced there (micheals= $7.89, BLICK=$5.99)

4. base art! ugh a bad habit i need to get out of! google anime base art if you want to see what it is, but it's bacically predrawn anime bodies and eyes and you customize it with what ever you want to make it yours, but get this straight, all manga/ anime posted to my dA is not base art unless note in description, although i have not posted any yet. deviant art rules for my art: i always put the dA water wark so they can't be copywrited and i don't make the download availble for them sry! i also do not sell prints

6.arina tanemura! (i think thats how you spell it) lol. she is now one of my rolemodels for anime here is why~

so thats pretty much it! i am already getting halloween/covention costumes done early lol

post soon!

Monday, August 15, 2011

lost time

sorry! i didn't make my promise of 1 bio vocaloid post per day but i have excuses!
1.i got my hair cut (it's shoulder legth now with a white and dark brown striped feather extechion on the right)
2.i had a friend over and copic markered stuff for 3 hours striaght (we also went crazy and put like 70 kawaii clips in our hair)
3.i went to the beach and got lost, found a five inch one clawed lobster, and a baby dead sting ray that my mom touched
4.had a family party with all my cousins
5.went to the dentist ( you know they released a new spelling of evil; it's D.E.N.T.I.S.T.!!!!!!!!)
7.saw the smurfs movie
8. UHHHH, went crazy looking for my lacey lolita skirt :'(

so thats why, i can't think of all of the stuff but i will do more
remember to:
*ask me stuff on formspring
*watch and check out my art on deviant art
* and like random stuff on facebook! also get up to date feeds of what choco is doing!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


5. weeks. since i've posted. so this on hopefuly will make up for that!
new posting for the next week or so will include vocaloid or UTAU charater profiles with music and videos and maybe MMD's of the charaters. 1 or 2 will be posted in a day.
the list of bio's will include:
1.hatsune miku
2.rin kagamine
3.gumi megpoid
4.megurine luka
8.irosha neko or something

plus more
 keep your eyes out to learn!

Saturday, July 2, 2011


the painting request i got is D.O.N.E!!!!
so i'm back on. happy 4th of July!!!!!!!!!!
i can't wait! we throw a pool party every year (sorry for family members and relitives only)
i have another list of stuff to share! -like since is this another? i've never posted a list at all :D-
my fave lady gaga photo's!

also i already know what i'm going to be on haloween!
not telling!
question: can you finish this song lyric? (you might get to know what i'm being 4 halloween!)
hatsune miku song lyric: " 私は叫んでみたメガホン壊れていた ___________________________"
fill in the blank and put your answer in the comment if you think you know!
also just to let you know my computer spazes out when i try to post comments on posts!
i am reading others blogs i just can't comment!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

plz answer these questions!

ok so i have 1/2 a day of school left and then i am going to middle school next year!
we have a reading list and during the first week of school we have to write a book essay
"WHAT'S A BOOK ESSAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
i know book reports but what the heck is a book essay
plz help!

Friday, June 24, 2011


also i might not be posting a lot of art pic's because all of the images you post end up on google image you know
i'm worried someone will use it or something and give me no credit
i might try water marking though

post number #40!

yeah yeah it's not my 100th post
but i'd like to thank a couple of my followers
stella by starlight (
carla's world (
and all my friend from school and stuff who are not on blogger
u guys are AWESOME!
and if i didn't menchion you put your name in the blank below
also a special thanks to ______________ YOU ROCK!

thanks again

Choco, the thanker

ps 1/2 a day of school left before summer
happy summer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dare you to do make a message in a bottle and send it out to sea.
i did that
i never got anything back :(
actually i put 2 out

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


also no rude or nasty comments. i hate them. i had to delete 2 already from the same user.
so ill delet them if you post them or flag them, if this continues ill push the "report abuse" button
yup sooo
cuz i don't post stuff like that on your blog


2 and a half days of school left. i am sooooooo happy but i can't tell u guys why but i got this happy on feild day oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaa!
we graduated a week or so ago and had a "moving on ceremony"
\here is a photo of me there.
so ummm here is the one and probably only pic you'll ever see on my blog maybe
copics came to micheal's for a lousy 6.99 each i'll go to blick and get a case.
and here is an upclose with me and my mom

i won't be on blogger all rest of june because i have a painting request to work on.
the brown eyed, brunette, choco

Monday, June 6, 2011


at our school we have the jr. olympics and that was today! 4 schools compete in 5 different events FOR FUN!!!! the events are : 100 yard dash, 50 yard dash, softball throw, long jump, and relay race!
i went to the events and got the ribbons in THIS  order

event                                            ribbon
100 yd. dash                                 1ST!
50 yd. dash                                  2ND!
long jump                                      3RD!
softball throw                              4TH!
relay race                                  no one got a ribbon. they ran out
hehe. lol! in order! biggest to smallest prize!
so proud of the 100 yard dash

Sunday, May 29, 2011

JuSt PlaIn RaNdOm StUfF!!!!!!

HAHAHAH bananas at my house

i now have a deviant art account! i will now share even more art there! you can see my faves as well! !!!!

BORN THIS WAY CAME OUT! and i'm lov'in it!
here is one of 3 of my faves!



and bloody mary!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

open studios

on april  30th i went to my open local art studios with my aunt! (now a tridition since last year) and i saw some new artists i admired :3
here are links to there web sites or blogs :
sadly my fave artist from last year did not show!

here is his website thou

Sunday, May 1, 2011


i was kinda sick this week

friday i woke up with a semi sore throat
and later in the night it hurt more (FULL SORE THROAT)
i woke up at 7 on SATURDAY because of it and i couldn't stop coffing
and today it dosen't hurt but i have a stuffy nose
while it did hurt i had the best coff drop ever!
halls breezers in cool berry
i dont like the lemon ones idk why but

Saturday, April 30, 2011


ok so i am think of another blog just for MANGA/ANIME LOVERS :3 !!!!!!!!!!!

maybe it will be called http://www.manga4ufromchoco/. blogspot. com

idk   or i will have a special section on this abput M/A (manga/anime)



Wednesday, April 20, 2011

search stories

ir your wondering yes i have a you tube account with about 2 uploads.
first here is my channel

those 2 uploads are seach stories (not cammera required)
they are made by google (google owns you tube now right?) and you can make your own!
its like a whole storie of you searching stuff. if you want to make one go here! ->

no if ur too lazy to go to the first link here are they videos i made


Tuesday, April 19, 2011


so copics if you are wondering look like this
they are super cool markers for manga and anime that i use a lot : )
un-fortunately i do not own any : (
i borrow them from some one i know
the are like $6 a marker thats why
i did a few pictures i posted in copics. like the girl with pink hair



so happy easter everybody (as if you are reading) and vacation. i have no plans like going away- cuz i went to puerto rico in Febuary- here are some things to make you laugh(or cry if you want) as you gift :)
XO, choco
P.S. after the first 3 they aren't that funny. just cool
●▂● .. ●︿● .. ●ω● .. ●﹏● .. ●▽● ..



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Monday, April 4, 2011

the website

so here is the website i promised last post

have fun :)

here are some more photos i created on there

thats my cat felix! <3! im going to do a hole post about each one of my cats
also the photo on RaNdOm PhOtOs 2 is from photo funia too.

Friday, April 1, 2011

ART 4 U!!!

i am sorta out of my sad mood over not alot of readers.

so like i promiced a couple moths ago here are PROFESSIONAL pictures by me aka LAURA :)

that was i collage um that is the only one i want to show cuz some of u will leave nasty comments about them if u leave mean comments about thisI WILL REMOVE THEM!!!!

ps. i created this on a web site (ill tell u what the web site is on my next post)

Friday, March 25, 2011


yes, im gonna say on bogger but i demand more readers
not even my friends think about reading my blog.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Still need more time away from my blog
MCAS this week
not worried
plz comment if u do

Friday, March 18, 2011


hello people who are reading this.
i just wanted to say that i will be taking a break from posting
too many things are going on .


P.S. this dose not mean forever!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

´´´´¶¶¶¶¶¶´´´´´´¶¶¶¶¶¶´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶´´´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶´´´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ ´¶¶¶¶¶´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶´´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶´´´´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶´´´´´´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶´´´´´´´´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶´´´´´´´´´´´¶¶¶¶´´´´´´´´´´´´¶¶

Monday, March 14, 2011

DAY 101!!!!

OK, i've done this long boring math to find out how many days i've had my blog :)
I started it December 3rd 2010
and today is March 14th 2011
so i MISSED my blog's 100 aniversery :'(
Today is my blog's 101 day aniversery
but i guess from now on ill be celebrating every 101 days
next will be my blog's 202 day anivercery


Friday, March 11, 2011



Thursday, March 10, 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

RaNdOm PhOtOs!!! part 2

i created this on some website. It's me in a dinosaur mask on a billboard

Monday, February 14, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

amu's weird face

this is amu from shugo chara
this is amu's weird face
this is from book 7
this is the same face that miki gave the snow man that amu and ami made