1.i just got news today that the last friday of August i will have 2 grown teeth YANKED OUT by a like 70 year old shaky od man dentist THAT MY PARENTS WENT TO WHEN THEY WHERE TEENAGERS! OTL!
2. however, this friday i am going to Rockport to see the paper house (google it) and hamond castle which is suposed to be haunted! =U= i can't wait! the guy who used to live there tryed to reanimate the corpse of his father 6 months after he died! lol
3.i have copic markers now and i am constantly posting to dA (deviant art link--------->
and i'm going crazy because i have one skin color marker and when i go to micheals to buy another shade they are always sold out! even know the are overpriced there (micheals= $7.89, BLICK=$5.99)
4. base art! ugh a bad habit i need to get out of! google anime base art if you want to see what it is, but it's bacically predrawn anime bodies and eyes and you customize it with what ever you want to make it yours, but get this straight, all manga/ anime posted to my dA is not base art unless note in description, although i have not posted any yet.
5.my deviant art rules for my art: i always put the dA water wark so they can't be copywrited and i don't make the download availble for them sry! i also do not sell prints
6.arina tanemura! (i think thats how you spell it) lol. she is now one of my rolemodels for anime here is why~
so thats pretty much it! i am already getting halloween/covention costumes done early lol
post soon!