Saturday, December 18, 2010

random photos!!!!!!!!!

sorry with no posts in a while but i am sooooooooo behind of christmas . i have like 3 presents ready and no tree up!!!!!

OMG!!!! double fortune for me !!!!

dang it won't let me add more photos

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

more art ..... if i can find the pictures

ok more art time hopefully
btw i am on facebook i am laura andrews . btw that is not my real last name but it is on facebook my photo is a red white and blue cat ^_^

plz tilt ur head .... thank you

this was taken on a welcome mat btw

can't find any more art but more photos will be coming i promise

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

up late

yawn , sorry it's like almost midnight but i wanted to post some pictures of my art yawn.

so, umm , i have more art but i am in the process of PROFESSINALLY photograpying them .

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

>:O hurt and angry!!!!!!!

ok i am hurt because i sprained my pinky toe, so i can't run, jump, walk, anything that requires my right foot

i am angry because of mr.a -teacher at my school- told a kid that wasn't in his class to shut up
this kid who asks too many questions was on his 6th question when mr.a said " this isn't tim world, their is at least 200 people here who have questions, officer don't answer any more of his questions"

the officer is our D.A.R.E officer btw

it's ok though cuzhe was kinda asking to many questions

Monday, December 6, 2010

sorry to who evers van that was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok so saturday i went to my bff carlas party and saw megamind -for the second time- but after it we walked in to the parking we started running toward our van and when we got their we opened the car door and ran in. right before we all sat down kristen said " is this our van?" every one froze for a second and looked around and it wasn't so we ran out of an empty unlocked van and ran into our real van.

sorry the way i wrote it stinks,i tell it better in person.

Friday, December 3, 2010

starting out

hi i'm chococat4ever/random stuff blog creator/ laura !!!!!   I have just started a blog here as you see called "random stuff". It is called that because i couldn't chose one topic to blog about .... so umm, here are a couple facts about me 

1. i hate when people wear baseball hats under their jacket hoods. it screams gangster.. :P

2. i love sweet stuff (e.g.candy, cake, basically stuff with sugar) and guess what? I HAVE NO CAVITIES!!!!!

3. my art teacher runs the cool2create blog so go see it or else.....jk about the "or else part but still check out the blog plz :)