Saturday, March 9, 2013


Sorry for being so inactive lately!
I've made the decision to abandon my blogger.
if you would like to keep incontact with me here are the other sites you can find me on:
I'm abandoning my deviant art as well....
I'm most active on my instagram and tumblr so follow me there if you wish
that is all

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fluff n' tuff review

Hello again!
I'm back from a short absence, school started about a week ago and i've basically had a mental breakdown each and everyday after school so it's been complete hell the past couple of weeks~
So today I will be reveiwing a watch I got from Fluff n' Tuff ,
I won this watch in one of their facebook giveaways c:
shipping ~ 4.5/5 The watch took about a month to come but that's understandable since it was comming from Belgium which is a great distance away from where I live
Quality~ 5/5 The donuts are so cute and perfectly made! The watch is the perfect size and is very well made.
Value~ 5/5 I got it for free c: the original price of the watch wasn't very expensive either ~
 The package

The inside of the package was covered in bubble wrap so nothing would get broken~

what was in the package ~

Cute business cards~

The watch it's self was packaged in bubble wrap also~

I love this so much!

That's it for now!~


Sunday, August 19, 2012

wish upon a rock

Warning this might be a boring post.
Hello ladies and gentlemen! I went to the beach sometime ago with my family.
We got ice cream and then walked around the beach a bit. I ended up collecting all these rocks, bits of shell, and sea glass as i was walking around, but i was looking for one particular thing, a rock with a stripe all the way around it. My aunt had given me one the her friend Gloria gave her, the premise of the rock is that you're supposed to make a wish on it then pass it on, then that person will make a wish, ect. These rocks are supposed to be rare but I found A TON. I probably would of found more is it wasn't high tide.

Here are some pictures~
I hope i don't bore you all to death.

One of my favorites~

The rest of the rocks and seashells I found. I forgot to bring another bag for them so i had to use my pocketbook, which is still covered in sand '~'

I like the spots on this one~

This one was small, really smooth, and has fine green lines running around it

Now, there are ALOT more than these but it would be to boring if i showed them all;
I'm not going to tell you what I wished for on my 10+ striped rocks, However one of my friends probably knows what I wished for *cough cough Racquel*
I wished for the SAME THING on all these rocks so I hope it really does come true ♥


Thursday, August 9, 2012

cat eye glasses review~

I still have to finish some summer reading so next post will be in a few weeks~
I recieved these glasses yesterday, they came insanely fast! Quicker than this other item I ordered but I told my self not to get mad about that now~
There is a reason I bought these and that's because Sharon Needles owns a pair.

^_^; On to the review!

Shipping~ 5/5  FAST FAST FAST FAST.
Quality~ 5/5 Well made, UV protection, no scratches.
Value~ 4.5/5 they cost $9.90 (with free shipping) and came with a fabric bag to store them in.

I just thought the box it came in was so small and cute !

Everything inside~

The glasses and case (YAY I figured out a trick to get all my photos to import the right way!)

100% UV protection.

Well, that concludes the review!
want a pair?


Also here's a picture of me wearing them (with clip-on bangs)

Friday, July 27, 2012

my obsessions 3

All the stores have all their school supplies out right now!
I swear I saw Christmas items as well!

So, this blog is sotra a time line of how my mind has changed and my tastes. I get caught up in different fandoms and shows. Also tumblr has led me to discover new things. I like to do these kind of posts from time to time because others can see what else I'm about!

1. Sharon Needles
I can't make a whole post about this, because it would probably NEVER END.
Who is Sharon Needles? Sharon Needles is prefection. To sum it up she won my favorite show RuPaul's Drag Race seanson 4. I cheered for him/her since the first episode~
Just going to put some pictures here.

link time~

He's even my computer background!

2. Manila Luzon

Another drag queen!
Who is also flawless.
Right now I'm obscessed with his youtube videos and song " Hot Couture" (I am listening to that song as i write this! but it just ended, hehe)

3. Madonna
Welp, I always had this grudge against her, but her music is so god damn catchy!
One reason I hated her was because she is a hippocrate and still is. She won't let her kids watch TV because she doesn't want them to see her outrageous acts or something!
Grr, but my tracks of the day are~

I like lady gaga better though~

4. Instagram!

I'm Lalathekawaiicat~
Also Phi Phi O'hara (another fabulous drag queen I admire) saw a sketch of her I posted. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw that she liked my post and commented on it, I was talking to my friend Anna at the time (HI ANNA IF YOU'RE READING THIS! Sorry bout' mentioning you, lol)


5. I'm on twitter guys!
I won't tweet much because I really don't know what to say, I'll mostly be using it to send fan art to people.

6. Phi phi O'hara
I sent the colored sketch I did to her but didn't hear back yet, I sent one to Manila too. I'll just re-send them if I don't hear back in a week~

7. RuPaul's Drag Race
OFCOURSE. I bought season 4 on DVD and I'm watching it all again~

8. Die Antwoord
I originally heard their song " I Fink U Freeky"
for this video~

but here are the music videos of  the two songs I really like.
"I Fink U Freeky"

"Baby's On Fire"

9. Black and white
I've gotten in to black and white art over the summer! Mostly because I find it's easier and makes a more realistic picture with shading and such~

I mostly use warm gray 1-9 in copic sketch markers
regular graphite pencil shading.

10. Picmonkey
Yes, I extremely hate photo shop, maybe because I just don'y have enough patcience to learn.
You can thank this site for my banner up top~

That's all for now~


Friday, July 13, 2012

filler post C:

Yup so until I think of some more stuff to write about i'm just gunna make this filler post. Wait does that sound right?~ Yes? No? cross out//

I've just been making changes to my blog like tags and everything. Which should be over here--->
(unless you are reading this post sometime after i post this then i'm sure you can see it even if it's down here or something~ You don't need a map

Le new tags~~~


fashion finds~ You all don't know this but I have a habit of not closing the tabs of stuff i'd like to order or can't loose my place in, I've actually been fighting this addiction by moving them all to my favorites TT^TT, but that just clogs up that section. So now i just make the "fashion find" kind of posts so i can always sort of have them while not saving them on my computer anywhere ~ YAY i have finished my point and you may all have a freshly baked cookie.

craft-update~  As well as anime i also do a lot of 3-D items a.k.a. crafts and such.

review~ I will admit, as well as my million-tabs-open-at-once addiction, I also have an EBAY/ONLINE SHOPPING addiction~ At least I know I'm not alone with this one.  Get ready for another long explination. Before I order from shops off of eBay I often look for reviews of their store. WELL GUESS WHAT, not everyone has done a review of exactly what you want to order, this happened when i ordered from kawaii goods and cute-plush (they didn't even have any!). So I thought just a simple little review would be better for someone to see then be parinoid of nothing when ordering.

anime~ Yup, but don't get too excited. There is only 1 post (Anime Boston Aftermath ) in here! That's all this category is really going to be used for, anime con pictures. You all saw what happened to the "anime con" PAGE didn't you?

for fun~  Memes, little fun posts, ect.~

old~  HMMMMM~ all my old, useless, posts, that are boring, from when i started blogging, when I was <insert age here> , FACE PALM. If you think you're going to find juicy black-mail worthy posts guess what you're wrong. YOU WILL DIE OF BOREDOM, REALLY, I DID WHEN I HAD TO RE-TAG ALL THOSE POSTS. Also I am removing my "bio: Gumi Megpoid"  and "Hatsune Miku drawing " posts because, as crazy as it sounds, THEY GET THE MOST VIEWS!!! WTF, seriously, two posts that are both horrible, bad art (that looks like crap) from when I started anime and a cummy bio of a character I didn't know squat about then, shake my head. I'd like my blog to be known for pastel, kawaii, fashion needs and not 2 year old drawings and unhelpful posts that even look promising.

Another change comming to my blog is~

For your reading and my improvement in typing skills. YAY!

Also I discovered the all mighty
Which I have been abusing this whole post (sorry, there goes grammar)

if you haven't noticed I've been more active posting on my Deviant Art because I now have a system of claiming my property while still not splatering my URL's and name all over them.

There you have it!~


Thursday, June 7, 2012

bodyline reveiw #3

Another order from bodyline again~

shipping~ 4/5 i did cheap shipping as always but this came in about 1 1/2 weeks (which was in it's arrival range) but i've recieved their packages faster than this if you look at the other reveiws i did.

quality~ 5/5 the wig,,,, oh my god the fibers looked nice and natural, dullish and not fake shiney

value~ 5/5 the wigs were VERY CHEAP, they had great quality like I mentioned already. The phone charms and keychains were also very cute and cheap


a $3 or $4 hair clip in extention in gray-pink (sorry about the lighting, it wasn't natural like usual)

here is a close up of the fibers, the hair extention was L.O.N.G! awesome!
the hair extention did shed a little though ;;;

This bag contained the key chains and phone charms, they were both only $1

all wrapped up

An orange ice cream cell phone charm. The love chocolate fell of so i had to re-glue it. Then it fell off again. And aain. And again -_-

the other keychain I got was this chocolate cake or doughnut.... nothing has fell off yet
The bag holding hese charms was hard to find because it was in between the wigs so i had a little heart-attack when i opened the package.

Now what you have been waiting for, my fabulous $13 wigs!
I bought two because the pink one on the left is going to be a present for one of my fairy kei buddies ~
also for reference this is wig 013 on the website

It came in a hair net contained and protected

one side was curlier than the other but this was before i fixed up the wig

The only con about this wig is how the pigtails are tied,,
you can easily see the rubber band so you have to style the wig just right so the hair will cover it.
I just wished they used a clear or purple one.

now hear is the wig I got for someone else, there won't be as many pictures because i didn't want to mangle it too much;;

it was a wonderful bubblegum color, i thought about keeping it but i already have a pink wig

here is a picture of me wearing the purple wig

